
Dewey’s Reverse 24 Hours Readathon TBR

I can’t believe it’s already August and that means Dewey’s annual 24 Hour Reverse Readathon is less than a week away! I’m so late this year with getting my TBR together.

Usually, I explain what the readathon is but I think most people know what Dewey’s is by now. So, onward to the TBR list.

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman

Okay, everyone, I’m obsessed with this author currently. I’ve read almost everything he’s written and outside of a non-fiction book Anxious People is my last full length novel of his to read until something new comes out! What better day to read it than Dewey’s? I grabbed it as part of one of my BOTM boxes earlier in the year and am excited to finally get to sit down and read it!

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver

This one has been on my TBR list (otherwise known as the list that never ends) since it came out last year. I’ve been trying to find more fiction by non-binary authors that features non-binary characters. As most of you who follow the blog know I’m non-binary and always looking for good fiction.

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd by Agatha Christie

Starting last year I read a few Agatha Christies and couldn’t believe I waited so long to dabble in her works. Like most folks my first book by her was And Then There Were None and I adored it. This one came as a gift from a friend over on r/bookclub on Reddit. If you’re looking for a nice mostly read at your pace book club, check it out. Anyway, back on track I’m excited toss a whodunit onto my TBR list for the day.

The Time Machine by H.G. Wells

This book novella has been on and off my radar for years now. Mostly recently it was nominated for a Gutenberg read over on r/bookclub and didn’t win. So, I’m adding it to my readathon TBR to finally read it.

You may have noticed my TBR list this time is a bit shorter than previous years (except the ones where I decided to read one very long book). Now that I’ve participated for a few years I know about how much I’ll actually get through. If by some miracle I make it through all of these books I’ll pick up either the next book in the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series or one of my books from my partially read stack.

What are you reading for the reverse readathon?