
Dewey’s Check-In (#2021ReverseReadathon)

Hey again! I’ve been up about 4 hours so far this morning and managed about 3 hours and 18 minutes across two books. Since my mental health would never allow my to forgo sleep to try to stay up for the whole readathon I usually aim for about 10 hours and I think I’m on track for that since I’m adding in the audio books this time.

Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by [Charlie N. Holmberg]
2 Hours and 12 Minutes of reading time so far

First, Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg, I’m loving this book on audio. I listened to it during coffee and breakfast and while I moved around to loosen up my joints this morning. Up until a few years ago I wanted nothing to do with audiobooks. They brought back flashbacks of those tape my elementary school teachers used while we read along. I’d always read ahead and if they stopped the tape to ask me about something going on during the part the tape just read I’d always stumble over my words. The tape was just too slow to keep my attention. Then, I learned audiobooks have adjustable speeds now. I never listen at the normal speed and it’s allowed me to enjoy them a lot more. At the speed I’m currently reading at I have about 2.5 hours left of this one. With meals and stuff I figure I’ll finish it up before the day is over.

1 Hour 6 Minutes of reading time so far

The other book I’m reading is I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. I’ve wanted to read this one since it first came onto my radar last year. I’m non-binary so any book with a non-binary main character gets tossed onto the TBR. There aren’t that many I come across. I was excited for this one, but I’m about 40% through it and I’m not sure what I think. I don’t want to say anything just yet. I should finish it by my noon check in and I’ll probably have more to say about it then.

Happy reading!

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