
Dewey’s Afternoon Check-in (#2021ReverseReadathon)

Okay, so it’s been an interesting 4 hours. I took a short nap and we had a thunderstorm pass overhead. I think with these set backs I’ll likely not hit my 10 hour goal. I never really do unless I just choose a big book. lol I’m about to chat with a friend for a bit to clear my head and regain some energy. But first, I’ve read another 2 hours and 1 minute this time around. That brings me up to 7 hours and 48 minutes. That means I need about 2 hours and 12 minutes. So maybe, I’ll get there. If not I’m not too worried about it. Life has been stressful enough recently without beating myself up over something that’s supposed to be fun.

This time around I wrapped up Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg. I enjoyed this one, but not as much as the Paper Magician Series. It took me 4 hours and 5 minutes to get through this one.

Then I started H.G. Well’s The Time Machine and read for 58 minutes before my update alarm went off. I’m having mixed feelings about it. It was the same way with War of the Worlds. Still… I’m about halfway through. It’s dense for a little book and I figure it’ll take me another house to finish it up.


Dewey’s Lunch Time Check in (#2021ReverseReadathon)

I just finished a quick lunch and a little break from reading. I needed to come up for some air and move around so that I could have a tiny chance of hitting my goal of ten hours. With about 8 hours left I’m on track. I’ve read an additional 2 hours and 29 minutes since my last check in. Putting me at 5 Hours and 47 Minutes out of my ten hour goal. So, since I divided the day up into 4 hour chunks I just need to read 2 hours and 7ish minutes of each of those chunks. So, I should hit my goal unless I hit the wall. lol

I finished up I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver and I’m happy to say the last half of the book did redeem it.

2 Hours and 25 Minutes of reading time.

I’m still working on Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg. I’m enjoying it but the mystery is starting to drag a bit for my liking and with the most recent twist to the book I’m wondering if it’s to be solved at all.

Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by [Charlie N. Holmberg]
3 Hours and 42 Minutes of reading time so far


Dewey’s Check-In (#2021ReverseReadathon)

Hey again! I’ve been up about 4 hours so far this morning and managed about 3 hours and 18 minutes across two books. Since my mental health would never allow my to forgo sleep to try to stay up for the whole readathon I usually aim for about 10 hours and I think I’m on track for that since I’m adding in the audio books this time.

Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by [Charlie N. Holmberg]
2 Hours and 12 Minutes of reading time so far

First, Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg, I’m loving this book on audio. I listened to it during coffee and breakfast and while I moved around to loosen up my joints this morning. Up until a few years ago I wanted nothing to do with audiobooks. They brought back flashbacks of those tape my elementary school teachers used while we read along. I’d always read ahead and if they stopped the tape to ask me about something going on during the part the tape just read I’d always stumble over my words. The tape was just too slow to keep my attention. Then, I learned audiobooks have adjustable speeds now. I never listen at the normal speed and it’s allowed me to enjoy them a lot more. At the speed I’m currently reading at I have about 2.5 hours left of this one. With meals and stuff I figure I’ll finish it up before the day is over.

1 Hour 6 Minutes of reading time so far

The other book I’m reading is I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. I’ve wanted to read this one since it first came onto my radar last year. I’m non-binary so any book with a non-binary main character gets tossed onto the TBR. There aren’t that many I come across. I was excited for this one, but I’m about 40% through it and I’m not sure what I think. I don’t want to say anything just yet. I should finish it by my noon check in and I’ll probably have more to say about it then.

Happy reading!


Good morning/afternoon Deweys!

I woke up about 45 minutes ago and started Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg on audio (great so far but I’ve loved 4 previous books by her). After I finished my first cup of coffee I went over to see if anyone had anything interesting reading-on on Goodreads.

I was able to get in after a few refreshes but still it’s so seldom that I see this. I think we’re overloading Goodread’s brain today. lol

I’m off for my second cup of coffee and to string enough brain cells together to sit down with my first paperback of the day! Happy reading!


Happy Early Start to Dewey’s 24 Hour Reverse Readathon

Hey guys! With the start of the readathon a little more than an hour away I wanted to drop in and say hi and wish everyone who is starting tonight a happy night/day of reading! I’m on EST time meaning it starts around the time I start getting ready for bed. I won’t be active tonight, but if I’m not too tired I’ll be starting Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by Charlie N. Holmberg on audio while I get ready for bed. I just finished up her Paper Magician series yesterday and am ready to dive into more of her books.

Magic Bitter, Magic Sweet by [Charlie N. Holmberg]

Happy reading! What’s the first thing up on your readathon TBR? Let me know in the comments!


Afternoon Slump, Dewey’s 4PM Check In

I’m feeling a bit of afternoon slump, but I am working on my 4th book of the day. I think I prefer what I’ve done the past few years of finding a nice door stopper of a book and reading it as far as I can and then finishing it up in the week that follows. I wanted to do it that way this year, but just didn’t have a long book I was in the mood for.

Don’t get me wrong. I’ve enjoyed most of what I’ve read today, but I didn’t feel as brain laggy when I stuck to a single long book. Anyway, I’m at 5 hours and 18 minutes of reading time for the readathon so far and I’ve read about 830 pages in total.

Since I last checked in I finished Anna North’s Outlawed and it wasn’t exactly what I expected. It had a slow start which slowed me down a bit – I like a book I can sink into. Save the slow burn for later in the book. lol

I’ll probably get about another 3ish hours in before I check in at 8 and get read for bed. If things go the way I think they will and I read tomorrow morning before 8AM too I’ll probably hit around my normal 10 hours of reading. I normally do well in the mornings and lag in the afternoon, and then get a good chunk of reading done in the evening.

Outlawed by [Anna North]

Dewey’s 4 Hour Check In

About 11:45 I came up for air, because my lunch arrived. I’ll be having leftovers for dinner, but those wings are sooo good.

So, let’s talk books. I’ve finished up 3. Read 2 completely, and about the last 80 pages with of Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi that I’m reading with a group of friends from r/bookclub over on Reddit.

I also finished Scott O’Dell’s Island of the Blue Dolphins & Josh Malerman’s Bird Box. (The first nostalgic and the latter creepy AF!)

So onto some stats (It’s almost 12:30 right now.)

I’ve read 515 pages across 3 books in 3 hours and 4 minutes. I’m on track for my normal amount of reading for one of these readathons. Next up is Outlaw – I don’t remember who it’s by right off the top of my head but it’s the one BOTM featured not too long ago.

I’m off to take a few minutes to decompress my brain and then dig into the next book! Happy reading!


Get ready! Get Set! Almost! (Another Dewey’s Readathon Post)

With just 10 minutes left until the start of the readathon I’m logging off my laptop until my check in at noon. I’ll probably post to my Facebook in the mean time. You can check in there to see what I’m up to in between blogs.

I’ve been waiting for this all year and can’t wait to get comfy on the sofa with Fenrir. She’s currently in her favorite bookish spot waiting on me.

See the source image

Happy reading!


Good Morning! My Little Plan for Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon

There is a little less than 3 hours before Dewey’s officially starts. Lucky for me, I’ve always been an early riser. So, I have some time blog and entertain the cat and wake up enough brain cells to sink into a novel.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Readathon click here.


Coffee. It’s always first on my list to get ready for anything. I’m probably more a coffee based organism than a water based one at this point.

Before the readathon starts I have a few things to get done around the house, I want to squeeze in a quick work out so I don’t get all stiff too early in the day, and of course I need breakfast and stuff. I’ve been eating breakfast rather late in the day, but today I’m eating early so I can read 8-12 without stopping to cook. I have a meal prep that will either be lunch or dinner and I plan to order out for the other meal if the rain isn’t too bad. If it is, I won’t put my poor delivery guy through that. I live on the third floor of an apartment with no elevator. While I’m getting everything done this morning I plan to listen to the last 45 minutes or so of the audiobook of Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology. I’m not counting it for the readathon since it’s not time, but I just want to get it finished up anyway. I really like his take on the stories.

Norse Mythology

Once the readathon starts I plan to check in at noon, 4, and 8 EST time. After 8 I’ll be getting ready for bed and will resume reading and probably squeeze in another hour or 2 tomorrow morning. I don’t think I’ve ever broken 10 hours of reading in one of these in the last 3 or 4 years I’ve done them. I’d like to, but there are only so many hours in the day. So, we shall see how it goes.

Since I don’t consider myself much of a morning reader these days (I’m usually writing in the morning) I’m going to start with something a bit nostalgic and YA. I last read Scott O’Dell’s The Island of the Blue Dolphins when I was approximately 8 years old and in third grade. My teacher, Mrs. Maynard has this little library we could borrow from and AR reading had just began and it’s one of the few books that stick out from my early reading. I haven’t read this book in almost 24 years, but I do remember finishing it in a Saturday afternoon as a kid. So, it has to be easy reading for 32 year old me in the morning, right? lol

After that I’ll grab a book from this stack or grab one of the books I’m reading along with some lovely people from r/bookclub over on Reddit. I have two that we’re finishing up this weekend if I need a break from what’s in the stack.

Happy reading today! If you’re reading for Dewey’s too what’s first on your list?

P.S. I forget how distractable I am in the morning. Every time I went to grab a photo or link I got distracted. It’s taken me almost 45 minutes to write this little blog.


It’s Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon Tomorrow! And I’m more than ready!

Guys! I am so worn out mentally as I know many of you guys are too. I’m more than ready to take a day to do nothing other than read and eat snacks and have a better reason than ever to ignore my phone.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with Dewey’s it’s basically a day that we all take off to read as much as we can in 24 hours. No, you don’t have to read the whole 24 hours. You’re human after all. I for one, will still be sleeping tomorrow night. Sleep is an important part of my self-care. I lost too much sleep in my 20s to continue that craziness into my 30s.

I won’t talk in depth about the books I’m planning to read, because I’ll post here with updates/thoughts throughout the day tomorrow. If you’re wondering this is the stack I’ll be grabbing from. Yep, 3 of them are from BOTM. They’re not a sponsor or anything, but if you love books give them a looksee. I’ve found some of my favorite books so far this year in their selection.

My Dewey’s TBR Stack

This year I flip flopped between if I wanted to dig into multiple books or just start a really long one like I’ve done the last few times. I don’t have any massive books I’m currently in a hurry to read, so I stuck with grabbing some I’ve been meaning to read or reread for a while. The only one that is a reread is the top one. I last read it in 3rd grade.

Are you participating in the readathon tomorrow? If so, what’s your list?

What I’m Writing: Nothing. Just finished up a book.

What’s in editing: Nothing. Just finished one up.

What I’m Reading: Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman and Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi